Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The last relationship advice you'll ever need

Whatever the situation on the relationship that I am sure that is decidedly unique to you. Then attempting to rely on the advice of the relationship in a cookie cutter fashion only will produce results that are approximate disastrous at best and, at worst.

Can now be thinking, "well this is not even an article on the relationship advice"?

Well it's not because the definition of "advice" is information which is carried by one person to another, for the benefit of the latter.

This article is not about me convey information about the relationship problems. Rather it is helping to find their own solutions enabled.Solutions that are unique and specific to you and what truly desire for yourself.

You see, nobody, absolutely nobody knows exactly what you want for yourself.Sometimes, you may feel that you don't even know what you want. well this is when you can feel inclined to look outside of yourself, to others for advice on these issues see the problem?

If not let me clarify.Looking outside of one self for so-called advice is really about a person trying to avoid accountability total and complete to make their own choices.

Well now could have become aware of something like "afraid to commit a mistake" or the "fear of being disappointed" or the "fear of rejection" or the "fear of change" and so on.

If you're still with me and are "in touch" so to speak with these fears Please note how limiting feel to you.Note that make you feel about yourself. Note how they affect the capacity to feel in control of your decisions and your life. Note that if you feel you have no control over it.

If ye do this little exercise of self awareness are certain that you might feel some or all of the following: anxious, helpless, blocked, frustrated, inadequate, trapped and naturally in need of help from some person well meaning with the advice of "right".

In need of help is equivalent to identify himself as a victim helpless. Are more certain that this is not what they want.

Not feel quite clear on what you want and absolutely confident to exercise these choices for you? I think the answer is obvious.

Well, now I will get to the purpose of this communication.

This article is intended to help empower and realign yourself with your inner truth and effect that please follow me just a little further.

Let's start with the common belief that many people struggling with the port of relations that is:

"I need advice for my current relationship problems."

My question is: what is the advantage for you to keep such a conviction within yourself?

Initially, you could say something like:

Well, it helps me to seek out the advice I need some reliable source,

So that I can get my problems solved,

So that I can feel a sense of relief, happy, joy, content, clear and on the right track in my life.

So if I had to sum up, there would be something like this:

My need advice for my relationship problems because I feel a sense of relief, happy, joy, content, clear and on the right track in my life.(Instruction list).

So I would say the following for you:

"I need advice for my current relationship problems."

Like you, notice how you do feel that it is "necessary" such advice.

You may be familiar with the feeling of some or all of the following elements: weak, inadequate, confused, lost, indecisive, miserable, unhappy and frustrated as there's something wrong with you and so on.

So, having noticed this agrees that this "need" is toxic for you?

If so then please re-read the checklist that I re-printed below:

My need advice for my relationship problems because I feel a sense of relief, happy, joy, content, clear and on the right track in my life.(Instruction list).

That express the same sentiment as what you have just lived? Hardly!

Actually there are two conclusions the opposite? absolutely! So, that is the truth about this need for you?

Most if not all, I think, will agree that it is indeed toxic Then that makes the summary statement false! if you see that then you have come a long way in your ability to begin ridding yourself of it and reclaiming your power.

If you want to release this false belief simply say so as though, speaking from your heart.

Next if you want to release toxic "need" take this too, as if speaking from your heart.

Finally, if you like, predict and feel where you would rather in relation to have clarity and power over decisions to report for you.

If this new way of being feels good to you, then also request as you'd like to be from now on.

Now notice for a moment:

1. How do you feel inside.

2. how those old problems of relationship feel to you now.

3. how the old need advice feels to you now.

I'm sure if you've been following me closely that there has been a significant change in your being.

If you feel inspired and I would like to express my gratitude for your heart and she for this shift please so now and at any opportunity that you get here next. you feel then known as much better.

Now you have taken the first significant step towards the reconnection and realign with your true self genuine through a process called the resonant Mind ® process (MRP)

Nick Arrizza MD is an international life, Executive, organization and spiritual tele-coach, keynote speaker, trainer and presenter who lives in Toronto, Canada; he is the CEO and founder of Arrizza performance Coaching Inc. and developer of powerful Mind resonance Process (MRP).

A telephone consultation 1 hour MRP for introductory free is available on request.(You will be asked to cover their own long distance telephone charges)

Drnick@telecoaching4u.com Email:

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