Monday, October 18, 2010

Best relationship advice for men-how to better understand the woman

Sometimes wonder why you can't understand the girl, although technically both speak the same language? Have you ever felt that women and men seem to be speaking a different language, because we think differently? A lot of relationship advice for women, is what you can use both some relationship advice for men.

What are the basic rules that a man needs to know to improve their relations with women?

First rule-the "silent treatment", is something wrong and not go away by itself.

When a woman stops talking with you, there's usually something on his mind. This may be true for men too, but how to deal with is different from how to make women.When men have a problem they are dealing with, they couldn't talk about it, but still communicate over everything else, but women tend to go silent on everything.It is important to find out what is wrong and help its sorting, so the first thing to do is ask you. If you replied, "there is nothing," leave it gently to know that there must be something wrong, otherwise she would act differently. Be willing to listen and to work with you to address the issue. If it was something you did, I apologize to you and ask you how you can make it better.

Second rule-PMS is not the cause of every mood he has.

PMS is not responsible for all his moods bad-unless you say it is. If she's upset about something, offer help or simply be a listening ear. Ask you what you need and if it's something that wants to deal with herself, to give her some space to tackle it.

Third rule-she doesn't want to solve every issue.

Men love to solve problems is something that is instinctive with men.However, when the woman has a problem she doesn't want to fix this problem for you, unless you ask to. when the woman has a problem, you may want to talk about it ... the best thing you can for yourself in this situation is listening. This can be tough for boys, because they are oriented to fix things. For men, you hear listening as they are doing nothing but believe me when I say, you're doing something good, it's just hard to see him.

Fourth rule-choose carefully where you seek relationship advice.

While you may think that his father would know it better than you, he can't understand you better than yourself.Asking for advice regarding his only child, he becomes concerned that his daughter was upset.

Fifth rule-talk to the woman.

Keep open lines of communication. When you have something on your mind, talk to her. most problems are easier to deal with when shared with someone.If you keep it to yourself, you'll still sense that something is high and may worry that is more serious than it actually is.When we don't know what we are dealing with, they may take our imagination. have you ever noticed that things are never as bad as you thought it would be?Just a word of warning, retaining information deliberately for whatever reason may risk the end of your relationship. good communication is the key to a successful relationship.

Finally, remember to tell you that often love her and give her hugs and cuddles without having to always end with sex. sometimes, one or both of you just need to be held, comforted and appreciated.

Good relationship advice for men can make a difference in knowing what to do and what not to do. anything that helps you understand the other will help build a strong relationship of satisfactory and that is when you want to spend the rest of your life with your special someone.

If you are looking for more great relationship advice for men, look no further.

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